Will you be reading this Kindle book on a PC or Mac?

  1. Download the Kindle Previewer from Amazon’s website.
  2. Then open the Kindle book in the Kindle Previewer. See this guide on how to use the Kindle Previewer.

Will you be reading this Kindle book on an iPhone or iPad?

  1. Download the “Kindle App” from the “App Store” and log in to your Amazon account.
  2. Make sure you have iTunes on your PC. You can download it here.
  3. Open iTunes on your Mac or PC and click on your iPhone or iPad.
  4. Select “File Sharing” on the left.
  5. Search for the “Kindle App” and click “Add” at the bottom right to add the book.
  6. Finally, click “Sync” and “Done”.
  7. Here is a general guide for additional information.

Will you be reading this Kindle book on a physical Kindle?

Click here and follow the guide on how to load books on your Kindle.

Needing some assistance with setting up the eBook?

Send us an email and we would be happy to provide assistance.