Parenting Talks: Empowering Parents, Changing Family Dynamics
If you’ve ever attended a parenting talk by Super Granny Andalene Salvesen (Cape Town, northern suburbs, Dubai and USA), Dr Lené Janse van Rensburg (Dubai), Celeste Rushby (Cape Town, southern suburbs), Charmaine Brooks (Boland) or Timann Esterhuizen (Gauteng and Port Elizabeth), you will know it is a life-changing and empowering experience. They are resourceful, yet practical, sympathetic yet down to the point, never beating around the bush when it comes to parenting.
You can read more about each of these amazing facilitators on our website:
All of our qualified coaches have been personally mentored by Andalene and have gained a very good idea of what works and what does not when it comes to disciplining ALL types of children with ALL types of temperaments and personalities. They have truly seen and heard it all. From kicking, screaming, biting and swearing (and that’s the parents), to the “I enjoy time-out” candidates.
So, did you know that you can host your own talk (at your home, small group or school), which will be facilitated by either Andalene (Cape Town, northern suburbs and internationally, when she is travelling); Celeste (Cape Town, southern suburbs); or Timann (Gauteng or Port Elizabeth, when she is travelling)?
If you have a bit of an entrepreneurial spirit, you might even be able to make a bit of a profit, depending on how many people you sign up for the talk.
Format and Content
It’s up to the host to decide on the relevant topic/s for the morning. A talk, which is highly interactive, usually stretches over 2 hours. It can cover any one or even two of the available talk topics:
- Diet and Discipline
- Stranger Danger
- Bullies, Bullied and Bystanders
- Punishment vs. Discipline
- Shaping the Will without Breaking the Spirit
- Creating Peace in the Home
- Sibling Rivalry
- Healthy Lunchboxes
- Grandparents and In-Laws
- Healthy Boundary Setting
- Tweens to Teens – Preparing for Adolescence
- Coaching Parents of Teens
- Boundaries and Discipline for the Single Parent
- Coping with the Dynamics of Multiple Births
- Diet, Routine and Discipline – From Baby to Toddler Years
- Beginning with the End in Mind
- Temperaments – Understanding Uniqueness
- Permission to Parent
- The Birds and the Bees
- Building Self-Confident Children
Availability and Bookings
For more information on availability, or to make a booking for a parenting talk or home visit, please contact:
Annelie Fouche (South Africa)
082 875 4818 | info@munchkins.me
Lyndall Jucker (Dubai)